What is the Best Vein Treatment For Your Specific Needs?
Are you wondering whether vein treatment
is right for you? Are you confused by the multiple treatment options?
The state of medical technologies has improved by leaps and bounds over the past 30 years. However, advancements in vein care have outpaced most other medical fields. In the not-so-distant past, chronic venous insufficiency could only be treated via complex surgeries that involved hospitalization, harsh side effects, a high risk of complications, and extended downtime. But advanced minimally invasive vein treatments promise even better results and a negligible risk of complications, and they conclude within an hour with no downtime. However, the number of minimally invasive vein treatment options can be overwhelming for everyone – you may struggle to find the ideal treatment for yourself. We take an in-depth look at all the latest minimally invasive spider vein and varicose vein treatment options to help you make an informed decision about your vein treatment in Maryland.
Before describing the minimally invasive vein treatments, we must briefly discuss the core concerns of vein care and vein conditions. Spider veins and varicose veins are the most visible vein conditions, and they’re the reasons most patients consult vein doctors. However, spider veins and varicose veins are merely physical manifestations of an underlying circulatory disorder known as chronic venous insufficiency. This is a medical condition wherein the collapse of vein valves leads to the accumulation of blood in leg veins, which, over time, leads to vascular dilation and the formation of spider veins and varicose veins. Treating spider veins without addressing the root cause is pointless – the spider veins will keep returning until the vein disease hasn’t been treated. Our vein doctors in Maryland always diagnose and treat the root cause of your vein problems, and their vein treatment plan is personalized according to your diagnosis.
Vein Treatment Options In Maryland
Endovenous Ablation
Also Known As: Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA), Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
Best For: Treating chronic venous insufficiency, large varicose veins, and other symptoms of vein disease, such as leg heaviness, frequent leg cramps, and restless leg syndrome.
What Is Endovenous Ablation?
The veins responsible for the formation of spider veins and varicose veins, known as saphenous veins, are usually located deeper under the skin. When vein valves collapse, blood accumulates in the leg veins and leads to increased pressure in the saphenous veins, which can lead to unhealthy spider veins and varicose veins on the skin’s surface. Endovenous ablation is a procedure wherein thermal energy (radiofrequency ablation) or laser energy (laser ablation) is used to destroy the diseased vein.
How Does Endovenous Ablation Work?
Ablation technology is one of the most important developments in the field of vein care. Endovenous ablation can be performed using two techniques – radiofrequency ablation and laser ablation. During the procedure, the vein doctor makes a small incision on the skin’s surface after administering local anesthesia for comfort. The incision is the entry point for a hollow tube-like device known as a catheter, which is driven into the diseased saphenous vein under ultrasound guidance. Once the catheter is lodged in place, the vein doctor delivers tumescent anesthesia to insulate the surrounding tissues from the radiofrequency or laser energy. Finally, the catheter is activated to channel either thermal energy or laser energy, which destroys the diseased vein. The accumulated blood reroutes into healthier leg veins, restoring optimal blood circulation to the heart. The vein doctors at our vein clinic in Maryland have performed hundreds of endovenous radiofrequency and laser ablation. While both treatments are equally effective, some patients say radiofrequency ablation is more comfortable. Your vein doctor will have their reasons to select one or the other technique.
Pros Summary:
- Safer and more effective than surgery
- No downtime or extended recovery period
- Completely safe treatment
- Usually covered by most insurance plans
Cons Summary:
- Must be performed by an experienced vein doctor
- Might be difficult to execute
Am I a Candidate for Endovenous Ablation?
Endovenous ablation might be the ideal procedure for you if you are diagnosed with underlying chronic venous insufficiency. This treatment is covered by most insurance plans, and we will verify your insurance details to determine if you’re eligible. Maryland Vein Clinic usually favors radiofrequency ablation over laser ablation because it causes less post-treatment discomfort, but your vein doctor may also choose laser ablation for a unique set of reasons.
Also Known As: Vein Glue Treatment, VenaSeal Closure System
Best For: Treating chronic venous insufficiency and its associated symptoms, such as varicose veins, spider veins, leg heaviness, leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, etc.
What Is VenaSeal?
The VenaSeal Closure System is one of the latest minimally invasive vein treatments, having received FDA approval in 2015. Developed by one of the world’s leading medical technology developers, Medtronic, this treatment uses cyanoacrylate glue (rather than thermal or laser energy) to destroy the diseased saphenous vein responsible for your vein problems. Cyanoacrylate glue is a completely safe medical-grade adhesive that’s been used for medical procedures for decades, so this treatment is completely safe.
How Does VenaSeal Work?
VenaSeal is one of the most effective minimally invasive treatments for chronic venous insufficiency. During this procedure, the vein doctor administers local anesthesia to numb the skin’s surface and make a small incision. The incision serves as an entry point through which a catheter is driven into the diseased vein under ultrasound guidance. Once the catheter is lodged inside the diseased vein, as confirmed via vascular imaging, the vein doctor delivers the medical-grade adhesive to seal its walls shut. The accumulated blood flows into healthier leg veins, restoring optimal blood circulation to the heart.
Pros Summary:
- Performed using advanced technology
- Ideal for the retreatment of vein disease
- Doesn’t involve ablation, so there’s no risk of nerve injury
- Doesn’t involve tumescent anesthesia, so no post-treatment swelling
Cons Summary:
- Has to be performed by highly-skilled vein doctors
- Vein glue remains within the body as a medical implant
- Minor risk of allergic reactions to the vein glue
- Not covered by all insurance policies (yet)
Am I a Candidate for VenaSeal?
VenaSeal is the ideal minimally invasive treatment for patients who have undergone vein treatments in the past using other techniques, i.e., patients experiencing vein disease recurrence. Our vein doctors also administer a thorough allergy test to ensure you’re not allergic to the medical adhesive before the treatment. We will also review your insurance coverage details to determine if you can receive coverage for VenaSeal treatment. Basically, our vein doctors will consider numerous factors to determine if you’re the ideal candidate for VenaSeal.
Also Known As: Vein injections, cosmetic sclerotherapy, STS, salt solution injections, saline injections
Best For: Treating superficial varicose veins and spider veins
What Is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is widely considered the best minimally invasive spider vein treatment. During this treatment, the vein doctor injects a sclerosant medicine into unhealthy spider veins to irritate the vein walls, shut them down, and facilitate their absorption into the body. The spider veins gradually fade away from the skin’s surface.
How Does Sclerotherapy Work?
Sclerotherapy is a simple, in-office treatment that concludes within 30 minutes. The vein doctor examines your leg veins and identifies the diseased veins using ultrasound energy. Sclerosant is a special chemical that fuses the spider veins’ walls, making them turn into hardened scar tissues eventually absorbed by the body. The vein doctor either injects sclerosant medicine directly into the visible spider veins or injects the medication under ultrasound guidance if the veins are deeper within the skin. Severe medicines can be used as a sclerosant. In the past, sclerotherapy was performed using a concentrated saltwater solution known as hypertonic saline, but modern sclerosant medications cause less discomfort.
Pros Summary:
- Best minimally invasive treatment for spider veins
- No harsh side effects or complications
- Can remove all unhealthy spider veins
- No downtime necessary
Cons Summary:
- Must be performed by an experienced vein doctor
- Older sclerosant medications cause considerable pain and discomfort
Am I a Candidate for Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is the perfect treatment for patients with spider veins. If you’re determined to be ineligible for radiofrequency ablation or VenaSeal, you might be a suitable candidate for sclerotherapy. Furthermore, this treatment alleviates the superficial varicose veins and spider veins, making it ideal for patients seeking cosmetic relief. Your vein doctor will discuss your goals and diagnose the root cause of your spider veins to determine if you’re a candidate for sclerotherapy.
Foam Sclerotherapy
Best For: Treating large and small varicose veins that bulge out of the skin’s surface
What Is Foam Sclerotherapy?
Similar to liquid sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy also involves using a sclerosant medicine to fuse and close off unwanted veins. In this case, however, the sclerosant medicine is agitated with air to create a foamy mix that can cover larger areas using the same concentration of medicine, making it suitable for large varicose veins. The vein doctor injects the foam sclerosant medicine into large varicose veins to make them seal shut and collapse, rerouting the accumulated blood into healthier leg veins. This treatment minimizes the amount of medicine necessary for large varicose veins, making it extremely safe and comfortable.
The Procedure:
The vein doctor administers local anesthesia to numb the skin’s surface. Using duplex ultrasound, the vein doctor examines the diseased varicose veins. After preparing your leg, the vein doctor agitates the sclerosant medicine with air to produce foam sclerosant, which is carefully injected into the unhealthy varicose veins. The vein doctor uses vascular imaging to ensure the optimal delivery of foam sclerosant into the diseased vein’s walls, making it collapse. The diseased vein hardens into scar tissues eventually absorbed by the body.
Pros Summary:
- Suitable for large, tortuous varicose veins
- Suitable for the treatment of vein disease recurrence
Cons Summary:
Must be performed by a highly skilled vein physician
Am I a Candidate for Foam Sclerotherapy?
Foam sclerotherapy is suitable for patients with large varicose veins and reticular veins, i.e., larger than spider veins but smaller than varicose veins. This treatment is mostly suitable for the cosmetic treatment for unhealthy veins because it can’t address the root cause of varicose veins. If you’ve been unsuccessful with other treatments, this treatment might work for you. Our vein doctors in Maryland will determine if you’re the ideal candidate for foam sclerotherapy.
Pre-Mixed Foam Sclerotherapy
Also Known As: Foam sclerotherapy
Best For: Treating chronic venous insufficiency, large varicose veins, and the symptoms of vein disease, such as leg heaviness, restless leg syndrome, and frequent leg cramps
What is Pre-Mixed Foam Sclerotherapy?
Pre-mixed foam sclerotherapy is a highly effective, advanced, and safe modification of the foam sclerotherapy procedure. This is a pre-mixed formulation that comes in a special canister, so the vein doctor doesn’t have to produce the foam formulation on their own. The traditional foam sclerotherapy treatment has led to a few instances of embolism because of air bubbles entering the sclerosant solution. Embolism is a dangerous condition wherein air bubbles move through the bloodstream to the lungs, preventing the effective oxygenation of blood. The pre-mixed foam formulation contains a high concentration of nitrogen and carbon dioxide with the chosen sclerosant medicine, allowing it to deactivate more quickly than foam sclerotherapy mixed with room air. This leads to safer and more consistent results, negating the risk of air embolism.
How Is Pre-Mixed Foam Sclerotherapy Performed?
Pre-mixed foam sclerotherapy works in much the same way as all other sclerotherapy techniques. The vein doctor identifies the deep veins and varicose veins that need to be treated using ultrasound energy. The vein doctor injects the pre-mixed foam sclerosant medicine into the superficial varicose veins and uses ultrasound guidance to reach deeper veins. The vein physician doesn’t have to agitate the sclerosant medicine with air because it comes as a pre-mixed foam solution, thus negating the possibility of human error.
Pros Summary:
- Ideal minimally invasive treatment for large varicose veins
- Extremely effective varicose vein treatment
- Suitable for large, twisted varicose veins
- Safer than foam sclerotherapy because it negates the possibility of embolism
- Suitable for the treatment of vein disease recurrence
Cons Summary:
- Must be performed by a highly skilled and trained vein doctor
- Not covered by all insurance plans
Am I a Candidate for Pre-Mixed Foam Sclerotherapy?
Pre-mixed foam sclerotherapy is a suitable alternative to varicose vein surgery and traditional sclerotherapy. This treatment is generally recommended for patients with recurrent vein disease. Please talk to your doctor to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for pre-mixed foam sclerotherapy.
Also Known As: Mechanochemical ablation
Best For: Treating chronic venous insufficiency, large varicose veins, and symptoms of vein disease, such as leg heaviness, restless leg syndrome, and frequent leg cramps
What Is ClariVein?
ClariVein is a highly innovative minimally invasive vein treatment that involves combining mechanical energy and medication to treat chronic venous insufficiency. The vein doctor inserts a specialized catheter with a rotating tip to damage and destroy the diseased saphenous vein responsible for your vein problems. This treatment also secretes a sclerosant medicine to seal the diseased vein’s walls, making it highly effective for large, tortuous varicose veins with multiple branches.
How Is ClariVein Performed?
The vein doctor administers local anesthesia to numb the skin’s surface and makes a small incision. The incision serves as an entry point for a specialized catheter with a rotating wire tip that’s driven into the diseased vein under ultrasound guidance. Once the catheter is inside the diseased vein, the vein doctor activates it to damage the vein and deliver a sclerosant medicine to fuse its walls shut, rerouting the accumulated blood into healthier leg veins. The diseased vein eventually hardens and gets absorbed by the body.
Pros Summary:
- No need for tumescent anesthesia
- Doesn’t leave a permanent, medical implant behind
- Suitable for large, tortuous, twisted varicose veins
Cons Summary:
- Not covered by all insurance plans
- Can be uncomfortable for some patients
Am I a Candidate for ClariVein?
ClariVein is ideal for patients with large, tortuous varicose veins. This is also a great alternative for patients who are allergic to lidocaine, and hence can’t undergo other treatments that involve tumescent anesthesia. Furthermore, if you don’t like the idea of an implant being left in your body, you can opt for this procedure instead of VenaSeal. Most insurance plans don’t cover ClariVein, so you may have to pay for the entire treatment out of pocket.
Also Known As: Vein stripping, vein removal, phlebectomy
Best For: Treating extremely large varicose veins
What Is Vein Stripping?
Vein surgery is a procedure wherein an open incision is used to reach and remove the diseased saphenous vein. After gaining access to the diseased vein, the vascular surgeon may use numerous techniques and devices to extract it from the body.
How Is Vein Stripping Performed?
During vein surgery, the vein doctor uses ultrasound guidance to identify the diseased vein, following which the patient is given local anesthesia to ensure comfort. The vein doctor may use numerous surgical tools, such as a hook, to pull and extract the diseased saphenous vein from the body. This treats the root cause of varicose veins and spider veins.
Pros Summary:
Suitable for extremely large varicose veins that can’t be treated by other procedures
Cons Summary:
Minimally invasive techniques are safer and more effective
Am I a Candidate for Vein Surgery?
You should only consider vein surgery if you have extremely large and tortuous varicose veins that can’t be treated with minimally invasive procedures. In most cases, you should only consider vein surgery if other vein treatments have failed, i.e., it should be a last resort option. This treatment may also be advisable for patients with blood clots in leg veins.
We encourage you to talk to a reliable, reputable vein doctor at our vein clinic in Maryland. Our vein doctors are board-certified, Ivy League-trained experts with specialized training in minimally invasive spider vein and varicose vein treatments. We always curate personalized treatment plans using the latest and safest minimally invasive techniques.
Which is the Best Vein Treatment for Me?
You must speak with a highly skilled and experienced vein doctor at a state-of-the-art vein clinic in Maryland to explore your vein treatment options. Each individual is unique, and your medical history, anatomy, and lifestyle are unique to you. That’s why all vein treatments must be uniquely calibrated to address your concerns and goals. The ideal vein doctor will curate a personalized vein treatment plan after carefully considering all factors.
The following are the primary factors to consider when looking for the best vein clinic in Maryland for your spider vein and varicose vein treatments:
The vein doctor must be extremely patient.
The vein doctor must be extremely patient.
Some patients assume that spider veins and varicose veins are purely cosmetic concerns
Some patients assume that spider veins and varicose veins are purely cosmetic concerns
You should choose vein doctors with specialized training in vascular imaging
You should choose vein doctors with specialized training in vascular imaging
You must find an accredited vein clinic in Maryland
You must find an accredited vein clinic in Maryland
Everyone is unique and has unique expectations
Everyone is unique and has unique expectations

Coverage Checker:
Vein Treatment
Our vein doctors are some of the best in the field, having written multiple books and articles. They are continuously on the watch for new and innovative treatment alternatives. If we consider a new therapy is safe to utilize in our clinic, we will add it to our list of options to guarantee that our patients obtain the minimally invasive, most painless, and most successful vein treatments available. Sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, venaseal, and laser vein ablation are the best solutions for most venous problems.

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